Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Sociology provides an excellent framework through which to address questions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our research and teaching. As an educator, I hope to spark both curiosity and skepticism in my students, pushing them to re-think the social "truths" they take for granted. By shedding light on the complexity of social phenomena and the importance of social context in shaping all of our life paths, I hope to help my students commit to creating better, more equitable environments in and outside of my classroom. I model this commitment by designing my courses with diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind: these values inform the range of topics I cover, the authors I represent in my syllabi, the learning activities and assessments I implement, and the way I structure course policies. These practices are informed by inclusive teaching training and bystander training I have taken part in while at Duke, as well as several phenomenal resources I have encountered, many of which I list below.

Resources on Inclusive Teaching


Hogan, Kelly A. and Sathy, Viji. 2022. Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom. West Virginia University Press.


Sweat, Jeffrey, Glenda Jones, Suejung Han, and Susan Wolfgram. 2013. “How Does High Impact Practice Predict Student Engagement? A Comparison of White and Minority Students.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Brunsma, David L., Eric S. Brown, and Peggy Placier. 2013. “Teaching Race at Historically White Colleges and Universities: Identifying and Dismantling the Walls of Whiteness.” Critical Sociology.

Gillis, Alanna. 2019. “Reconceptualizing Participation Grading as Skill Building.” Teaching Sociology.

Messner, Michael A. 2000. “White Guy Habitus in the Classroom: Challenging the Reproduction of Privilege.” Men and Masculinities.

Aguillon, Stepfanie M., Gregor-Fausto Siegmund, Renee H. Petipas, Abby Grace Drake, Sehoya Cotner, and Cissy J. Ballen. 2020. “Gender Differences in Student Participation in an Active-Learning Classroom.” CBE—Life Sciences Education.

Collier, Peter, and David Morgan. 2008. “Is That Paper Really Due Today? Differences in First-Generation and Traditional College Students’ Understanding of Faculty Expectations.” Higher Education.


Inclusive Educators Podcast. Center for Teaching and Learning at University of Colorado Boulder.

Inclusive Education Project Podcast. Vickie Brett and Amanda Selogie.